Organized Chaos with Claire Coffee


#149 Get out the wine and the last of the Halloween candy! I’ve been leaning heavy on the experts as of late, and it was about damn time we had an unfiltered mom podcast full of laughter, commiseration, and perfectionism undone. TV star Claire Coffee played Adalind on NBC’s supernatural show GRIMM for six seasons. She, along with her musician husband Chris Thile (Yo Yo Ma told him where to get the engagement ring), and their son 2.5 year-old Calvin, rocked out at our home between APrairie Home Companion with Chris Thile west coast shows. We talk about the struggle between being creatively fulfilled and getting Mom sh*t done, mama separation anxiety, traveling the world with a toddler, and how parenting is SO DIFFERENT with Ellie’s second child. We love to play into the ridiculousness of our wacky family life with our creative husbands, and give ourselves and each other a hard time in this episode, but I’d be remiss not to say Claire Coffee is one of the most generous and thoughtful women on this planet and a huge reason this podcast exists. We all need a mom friend who commiserates but doesn’t accept any self-defeating excuses and sends tubs of ice cream when you’re on bed rest. xx Ellie Knaus

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ABOUT CLAIRE COFFEE: "TV actress who you may have seen on Grimm, Franklin & Bash, The West Wing." - That's what she texted me. She's too humble, but I'm too tired to write her bio for her. Also, I deleted the part where she plugged our web series that she says was starring me. Two can play at the humility game.  Although it was a really fun web series.
