The Mother's Transformative Journey + How to Strengthen Your Marriage | Britta Bushnell, PhD

The Financially Independent Mama _ Emma Johnson, Business Journalist (1).png

#231 - This week on Atomic Moms we're highlighting two previously aired conversations with one of our most beloved guests: Britta Bushnell PhD on “The Mother’s Journey” & “How to Strengthen Your Marriage After Children”.

In this raw and real conversation, Britta and Ellie discuss the challenges of emotional intimacy in marriage after kids and the ways in which we can learn to reconnect as a couple post-children. We also dive deep into mythology, motherhood, and the identity shift we experience as mamas. Dr. Britta brings healing light to the unique challenges and shifts we experience as mamas and walks us through powerful steps to rekindle intimacy with our partner.

As always: subscribe, rate, and review! Your support for this independent pod never goes unnoticed!

Xx Ellie Knaus

Special thanks to our sound engineer Owen O’Neill, production assistant Olivia Hastie, and Jeremy Turner for our original theme composition.

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About Our Guest: Britta Bushnell, PhD


Dr. Britta Bushnell is an award-winning childbirth, relationship, and parenthood specialist, author, and speaker. Having worked with new families for almost two decades, Britta blends her experience in the childbearing year with her doctoral study in mythology and psychology, bringing a fresh approach to an age-old human experience.

Britta has presented at conferences such as DONA International, MANA, and ICEA. Additionally, Britta has been featured on several popular podcasts including Informed PregnancyBirthful and Atomic Moms. In 2016, in recognition of her transformative childbirth classes, Britta was awarded "Educator of the Year" by the Southern California Doula Association (DASC).

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Atomic Moms Podcast Pairing:

The Motherhood Mind Game | Leslie Anne Bruce

#226 - A five-time New York Times bestselling co-author, returning Atomic Moms guest, and Lauren Conrad's frequent collaborator/b.f.f., LESLIE ANNE BRUCE joins us in our podcast studio to discuss the MIND GAME that is early motherhood and her new book You Are a F*cking Awesome Mom: So Embrace the Chaos, Get Over the Guilt, and Be True to You (September - Hachette Book Group). We discuss why Newborn-land is so treacherous for Type A overachievers. We share our birth experiences and the post-baby marriage fireworks (not the pretty kind). And we compare notes on how we organize our lives now that we both have two kids. Don't forget to subscribe, rate, and review!